As a designer, I very much enjoy bringing my work into the real world. Below are various sculpture and installation projects created from 2020 to present.

Selected Sculptures & Installations

Dining for One


ModPodge and Tissue Paper

Dining for One is made using paper mache techniques. Using lima beans, my own hands, a fork and knife, lots of Mod Podge, and tissue paper, Dining for One captivates a down to Earth experience between the “date” and the opposing diner.

Hidden Identi-ties


Vacuum Form

In the morning rush trying to catch the train, they tripped on a loose brick revengefully out of place. Violently crashing, the tote scattered the blank masks across the floor. Forgotten Identi(ties) is a perception of one losing themselves within their intimate relationships. It encapsulates lust, indulgence, gluttony, nostalgia, and broken ties. A projected image captures the essence of these themes projecting them onto the masks as “projected identities”.

Projection Schemes


Cast Aluminum

Projection Schemes explores the idea of “Big Brother” and the influence of media, material, and projected realities. Cast Aluminum emphasizes this notion of power, technology, and influence.

The video projected from the mask:

Meltdown on Earth


Cast Iron

Driven by greed, “Meltdown on Earth” speaks into the consequences, loss of humanity, and duplicity of a society driven by materialistic value. The work does so in a satirical way exploring this literal meltdown as the dissolved remains of planet Earth.

